This rule fires when an integer is encountered in the input stream, and the value of that integer ( as text) is assigned to the instance variable, t.image. 当在输入流中遇到整数时会触发该规则,该整数(象文本一样)的值被赋给实例变量t.image。
In Python, a function is a first-class object, like an integer variable or a container object. 在Python中,函数是一类对象,与整型变量和容器对象相同。
Sass variables have no type; you can assign a string, integer, or even a color to the same variable. Sass变量没有类型,您可以为同一个变量指定字符串、整数值,甚至是颜色值。
Gets the current file row pointer, stored as an object but used as an integer, from the global variable in the data area for the test engine ( this will be set up later) 从测试引擎(稍后就会安装它)数据区域中的全局变量获取当前最为结果储存但是当作整数使用的文件行指针。
To create a single dimensional array of the type a [ m] ( where m is an integer variable already defined and initialized), apply the cpp_type stereotype on the array variable a in the UML model. 要创建一个类型为a[m]的一维数组(这里的m是一个已经被定义和初始化的整数变量),可以在UML模型中在这个数组变量a上运行cpptype原型。
If you need an integer value in Python, you merely assign an integer value to the appropriate variable, such as I= 100. 如果Python中需要整数值,将整数赋值给相应变量(如i=100)即可。
Under the covers, Python creates an integer object and assigns the variable to reference the new object. 在后台,Python将创建一个整数对象,并将对新对象的引用赋值给变量。
A typetag is an integer variable in which the value of the integer specifies the type of data being handled. 类型标签是一个整型变量,其中整数的值指明将要被处理的数据的类型。
In the BEGIN block, we initialize our integer variable x to zero. 在BEGIN代码块中,我们将整型变量x初始化为零。
This means that in a C program, you can write int I= 100 to create and initialize an integer variable. 这意味着在C程序中,可以编写inti=100来创建和初始化整型变量。
Because I might have written some code in which I'm expecting that integer particular variable to have an integer value. 因为我可能写了一些代码,来把一些,变量的类型,指定为。
Integer constant or variable name expected 要求整形常量或变量名
The quantity n is an integer, not a continuous variable. 量n是个整数,而不是一个连续的变量。
So this declares an integer, a variable of type int called I, 0 and initializes it to zero. 所以这里声明了一个整型数,一个叫做I的整型变量,把它初始化为。
But it is difficult to apply SA to scheduling problems directly because SA is initially designed for integer programming while there are lots of real variable constraints in crude scheduling model. 但由于模拟退火法较适于处理无约束的整数规划问题,而在原油库存调度优化模型中却存在着大量的实数约束,所以在其中直接应用模拟退火法比较困难。
We use integer variables to illustrate the implementation of the algorithm. Integer Linear Programming and Interval Refinement are used for precise and approximate variable tracing. 算法实现要考虑各种协议变量,整型变量是较难处理的一类变量,本文提出了整型变量的线性规划和区间细化算法,分别用来精确/近似求解系统变量,实现协议变量跟踪。
The most merit of the model is its automatization characteristic, and the model fits to solve arbitrary 0-1 Integer Programming problem having arbitrary variable element. 同时,从理论上来讲,该模型适合含有任意变量的任意0-1整数规划问题的求解。
The article extends the integer coefficient of advanced algebra to another variable multinomial and factorizes the multinomial containing several variables. 本文将高等代数中的整系数多项式扩展为另外变量的多项式,对含多个变量的多项式进行因式分解。
In this paper, the mathematical model of such a problem is formulated by first transforming it into a 0-1 type integer programming problem through the introduction of the 0-1 variable. 本文通过引进01变量,将其转化为一个01型整数规划问题而构成数学模型。
Implemented ways of the Integer Variable Single Pole 整型变量单极低通滤波器在微处理器中的实现方式
This article gets some good results on the random fields of dependent random variables on the base of the studies of one dimension integer random variable serials with extending it to a tree. 本文就是在一维整值随机变量序列研究的基础上,将之推广到树上,得到了一些关于相依随机变量随机场的结果。
This paper presents three implemented Ways of Integer Variable single pole low pass filter in DSP. 本文给出了整型变量单极低通滤波器在微处理器中的三种实现方式。
A Constructive Proof of Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem Based on Integer Labelling In this paper a variable dimension simplicial restart algorithm with integer labelling for computing fixed points of a continuous mapping from simplex to itself is developed. 本文提出计算标准单纯形上连续自映射不动点的一种整数标号的变维数单纯重复开始算法,该算法给出了Brouwer不动点定理一个新的构造性证明。
Traditional linear programming technique and non-linear programming technique can not deal with the problem of integer variable successfully, and the simple genetic algorithm ( SGA) is not very robust. 传统的线性规划法和非线性规划法不能很好地处理整型变量问题,而简单遗传算法的鲁棒性不高。
There is a new attempt to solve integer programming for zero one variable by penalty function method. 以罚函数方法解决0、1变量整数规划问题是一个新的尝试。
Step solving strategy includes three steps: slack integer variable linear programming, heuristic adjustment, solving mixed integer linear programming unit commitment model with some uncertain condition units. 分步求解策略分为三个步骤:松弛启停变量线性规划、启发调整、求解带有部分不确定启停状态机组的混合整数线性规划模型。
In this paper, we analyzed some property for the single restrict integer linear programming ( Knapsack problem), Cut the invalided variable and simplify the problem. Designed a new algorithm& reduce dimension and Recursive algorithm. 本文对单约束线性整数规划(ILP,背包问题)的特性进行了分析,通过剪去无效变量对问题进行简化并设计了问题的一种新算法&降维递归算法,全文共分四章。
According to this feature, we propose a bit vector search algorithm which maps multiple channels into an integer variable. This variable is the so-called bit vector. Each channel corresponds to a bit in the variable. 根据这个特点,本文提出一种位向量搜索算法,该算法将多个通道映射为一个整型变量.这个变量即二进制位向量,每个通道对应变量中的一个位。
The author takes an indepth study over integer programming based OFDMA resource allocation modeling schemes, proposes integer programming based algorithms which highlights the thoughts of branch-and-bound algorithm and hidden variable algorithm respectively to achieve the optimal solution with a lower complexity. 本文深入研究了OFDMA资源分配的整数建模方案,提出了结合整数规划算法中的分支定界法和隐数算法来实现更低复杂度的最优解决方案。
A prototype tool has been developed. It integrates three typical data flow analysis techniques: null pointer dereference analysis, integer variable value interval analysis and the single-linked list reachability analysis, and offer the ability to interact with users. 本文实现了一个分析工具原型,它将空指针解引用分析技术、整型变量取值范围分析技术、单链表可达性分析技术整合到一起,并允许使用者进行人工干预。